Friday, September 23, 2016


I've been looking forward to installing my windows for a while.  I have had them since before I even had walls.  I went with the idea that it would be easier to frame around existing windows instead of the other way around.  After watching lots of install videos and consulting a number of my regular tiny house blogs I felt ready to give it a go.  I'm always a bit trepidation with any project which involves the potential of water leakage and obviously the windows was a big possibility for disaster.  I'm not going to explain the process because its already been done so much better than I can.  After the first window I thought the process was going to be a breeze, a little messy with the caulking, but easier than I thought.  Then I went inside to test the window operation and realized I forgot to center the window and ended up with uneven gags to either side.  I filled in the gaps with expanding window sealant foam.  I don't know if that's what you are suppose to do but I did it anyway.  The next window I layed down the flashing, put the bead of caulking and hoisted the window into place only to discover it wouldn't fit.   I had forgotten to dry fit the window, well I guess before that I forgot to double check my framing.  I had to tear out the flashing and some of the housewrap with it, then I used a sander and reciprocating saw to carve out a slightly bigger opening until the window fit.  This was definitely not an elegant operation and the window fits so snugly now that I'm worried that during road travel or swelling the window might crack.  Time will tell.  The rest of the windows were some combination of complication with none of them being perfect but they look windowy so I'm calling it good.  The rain since install hasn't shown any leaks.

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